NewIntroducing SOC audit compliance services

Guided SOC 2 Readiness Assessments

Ensure your compliance team is on track with our SOC 2 readiness assessment services.

Identify areas where your organization may fall short of compliance requirements through a gap analysis. These could be gaps in security controls, documentation, or processes.

Narrow down the scope before approaching a SOC 2 audit

Define a clear path to compliance based on the appropriate Trust Services Criteria

Efficiently prioritize needed improvements on security controls

Simulate the conditions of a formal audit

Get in touch with the Pun Group to start your path to SOC 2 readiness.

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Focused SOC 2 Audit Preparation

Undergoing a SOC 2 audit without proper preparation is a big risk. Avoid compliance setbacks with the help of The Pun Group's readiness program. SOC 2 readiness assessment services ensure that your organization is on target with compliance requirements and ready for a successful audit.

Readiness assessments help prevent potential failures, saving service organizations from the expenses associated with remediation efforts and potential fines. It involves vulnerability and risk management for customer data and internal security controls.

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Our Approach to SOC 2 Readiness

Our proactive approach allows your organization to identify and address any gaps or deficiencies in your controls related to security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. It helps ensure that data protection measures are established.

Risk Identification:

Our readiness assessment carefully evaluates current controls and security policies against the SOC 2 framework, revealing any vulnerabilities that must be addressed before an actual audit.

Custom Action Plan:

Following the risk assessment, we develop a plan to strengthen your security controls and close the gaps in any data processing systems.

Resource Optimization:

By effectively narrowing the scope, your company can allocate resources more efficiently, saving time and money in the process.

SOC 2 Consulting & Readiness

By performing a SOC 2 readiness assessment, The Pun Group gives you definitive answers to the most important questions:

  • Are your controls sufficient? We'll verify if your current practices meet the stringent standards of SOC 2 for managing customer data.

  • Where are the gaps? We pinpoint specific areas that require improvement before you face the SOC 2 compliance audit.

  • How do we bridge these gaps? We not only identify the gaps in your internal controls but also guide you on how to close them effectively and validate their resolution.

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Trust The Pun Group for SOC 2 Readiness

By ensuring readiness beforehand, you can streamline the SOC 2 audit process, enhance your service organization control environment, meet customer demands for assurance, and mitigate data security and compliance risks.

The Pun Group can provide the necessary focused advice to guide your service organization through the SOC 2 compliance process and prepare you for the upcoming audit.

Frequently Asked Questions About SOC 2 Readiness

What is a SOC 2 Readiness Assessment?

A SOC 2 Readiness Assessment is a preliminary evaluation that helps an organization understand how well its current controls align with the requirements of the SOC 2 standards. It identifies areas where improvements are needed before undergoing a formal audit.

Why is it important to perform a SOC 2 Readiness Assessment?

Compliance readiness provides crucial insight into potential compliance issues, allowing your organization to fix them proactively. This preparation helps save time and resources during the actual audit and increases the likelihood of a successful outcome.

How long does a SOC 2 Readiness Assessment take?

The amount of time needed to complete a SOC 2 readiness assessment depends on the size and complexity of your organization, as well as the maturity of your existing controls. The Pun Group works hard to perform assessments as quickly and comprehensively as possible.

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Don’t let compliance issues slip through the cracks. Schedule a consultation with one of our compliance experts today and take control of your company’s regulatory requirements.

In just one 30-minute meeting,  you’ll get:

  • A thorough assessment of your compliance needs
  • A detailed timeline and cost estimate
  • A plan to ensure you stay ahead of all regulations

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200 E. Sandpointe Avenue
Suite 600
Santa Ana, CA 92707
4660 La Jolla Village Drive
Suite 200
San Diego, CA 92122
2121 North California Blvd.
Suite 290
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
1511 Corporate Way
Suite 220
Sacramento, CA 95831
1980 Festival Plaza Drive
Suite 300
Las Vegas, NV 89135
2 North Central Avenue
Suite 1800
Phoenix, AZ 85004